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Areolar Conective Tissue

Areolar connective tissue is the most common type of connective tissue and gets its name for the air (space) between the cells and fiber. It is found under most epithelial tissues as well as around nerve and muscle cells. You can see both elastic fibers (thin branched black fibers) and collagen fibers (thicker purple fibers). Depending on the stain, you may also be able to see its reticular fibers as well. The most prominent cell you see in areolar connective tissue are fibroblasts.

Slides on this page were made by students between the spring of 2018 and the spring of 2020. Go through the diffrent student pictures and compare them to your lab book picture. Then slect one to draw on paper. Be sure to label the cells and the fibers.

Lab Book Image Student Images
Labeled image from labbook
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