Endocrine Histology | Histology Home Page | Site Home Page

This page has endocrine histology of the parathyorid under low power. Slides which were taken by bio 139 students from spring of 2018 to fall of 2019 are in the right hand side and your lab book's picture is on the left hand side.

Compare those pictures to the lab book pictures by scrolling trough the student pictures using the yellow arrows. Then draw the histology as instructed by your teacher.

Lab Book Image Student Images
parathyroid labeled

Parathyroid Low Power

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parathyroid Gland
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parathyroid Gland
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parathyroid Gland
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parahyroid  Gland
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parahyroid  Gland
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parahyroid  Gland
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parahyroid  Gland
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parahyroid  Gland