The spleen, voted worst histology slide by my fall of 2020 class, is made up of red pulp and white pulp. Most of the spleen is red pulp and within the red pulp are nodules of lymphocytes that are called the white pulp. At the center of white pulp is a central arteriole. Blood travels through the central arteriole and blood leaks through the white pulp into the sinuses within the red pulp. Therefore, the white pulp filters the blood as it enters the spleen. Blood then enters sinuses within the spleen. Due to the red color of these sinuses, this is called the red pulp of the spleen.
The slides on this page were generated by students in the spring of 2019. Observe the student slides by clicking on the arrows and compare them to your photoshopped lab book picture.
Lab Book Image | Student Images |
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