The Uterus has a mucosa, lamina propria, muscularis, and adventita. The mucosal layer is made up of stratified squamous epithelium. The cells of the outer layers produce acidic secretions which help inhibit the growth of bacteria. Rugae are present which allow for the stretching of the Uterus during child birth. The lamina propria is rich with blood and lymphatic vessels. These vessels allow for white blood cells to enter the Uterus and essentially guard it against bacterial invaders (especially during menstruation). The muscularis is made up of 3 layers, an inner circular, a middle oblique, and an outer longitudinal layer. An outer adventitia surrounds the Uterus.
These pictures were taken by me in the spring of 2021. They are all scanning power. Go through the pictures. Select one, draw it, and label the layers.
Labeled Image | Unlabeled Images |
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