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Sensory Corpuscles

On the thick skin slide, 2 different sensory corpuscles can be observed. Meissner's corpuscles are responsible for light touch and are found between the dermal papilla. When looking at the histology slide for the Meissner's corpuscles, look for the horizontal layers of the supporting cell. These cells report on new things touching your skin. Lamellated corpuscles are found in the deep (reticular) dermis. They too are mechanoreceptors that are responsible for detecting pressure. However unlike the Meissner's corpuscles, modified Schwann cells wrap around the free nerve ending. The result is a structure that looks like the layers of an onion.

Slides on this page were made by students between the spring of 2018 and the spring of 2020. Go through the diffrent student pictures and compare them to your lab book picture. Then slect one to draw on paper. Draw and label the two types of corpuscles.

Lab Book Image Student Images
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sensory corpuscles