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Renal Medulla

The renal medulla is made up of tubes going more or less in parallel lines from the cortex to the papilla. These are in reality 5 different tubes found in the renal medulla. With some practice, you can identify them all.

These pictures were taken by me in the spring of 2021. They progress from scanning power (40x) to high power (400x). Go through the pictures. Select one, draw it, and label the layers.

This webpage does a good job explaning the histology of the loop.

Labeled Image Unlabeled Images
Labeled image from labbook
1/ 6
Renal Medulla
2/ 6
Renal Medulla
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Renal Medulla
Low Power
4/ 6
Renal Medulla
Low Power
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Renal Medulla
High Power
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Renal Medulla
High Power