Lab 1 Regional Anatomy

When taught as a traditional face to face class, much of lab 1 deals with regional anatomy. Students look at head, torso, and appendage (arm and legs) models to try to identify the body regions. Then in groups, students take sticky notes and post the sticky notes on the models which I then come around to check. Unfortunately, I cannot mail you 1000 dollar models and come to your house to check them. Therefore, we are going to try to do this virtually. Below are panoramic views of our torsos, heads, and muscle men. You will start by rotating them and finding the regions I talked about in lecture. Next are pictures of models with numbers. Guess what the numbers are pointing to. Then move the mouse over them to see if you are last. Lastly, we will do the post it note activity. Then click the "sticky note" pages. You will drag sticky notes to label the models. This you will screen capture and submit to canvas.

Panoramic Models

Rotate the models. Try to find all the anatomical regions talked about in your lab book on page 4. When you think you know the regions, try the sticky note activities.

Head 1

Miniman 1

Miniman 2

Now identify on models

Click on the links below. Try to identify the colored regions. then put your mouse over the region and see if you are right.
Cephalic region
Cephalic (head) regions
Torso region
Regions of the torso
Regions of the legs
Posterior region
Posterior Regions

Sticky Notes

Open each page. Place the sticky notes so they match to the correct region. Screen shot your answer (fn+ print screen on pc, command+shift+3 on mac) Upload your answers to Canvas







