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Lung Structures, External

Try to guess what the numbered structures are. Then put your mouse over the number to see if you are right. 4 is the entire tube, 5 is the cartilage supporting the tube.

Word Bank

Lung Structures
  • Apex
  • Cardiac Notch
  • Diaphragm
  • Horizontal Fissure
  • Inferior Lobe
  • Middle Lobe
  • Oblique Fissure
  • Superior Lobe
Blood Vessels
Lung Model
Apex Superior Lobe Middle Lobe Inferior Lobe Oblique Fissure Horizontal Fissure Diaphragm Cardiac Notch Larynx Diaphragm Cardiac Impression Subclavian Vein Brachiocephalic Artery Left Carotid Artery Jugular Vein Superior Vena Cava Aorta Inferior Vena Cava Brachiocephalic Vein