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This model shows the ovarian follicular stages. I think it may help you identify the stages on the histology slides. Try to identify the structures given.

Word Bank

  • Corpus Albicans
  • Corpus Luteum
  • Cortex of Ovary
  • Medulla of Ovary
  • Ovarian artery and vein
  • Ovarian Ligament
  • Primary Follicle
  • Primordial Follicle
  • Secondary Follicle
  • Secondary Oocyte
  • Tertiary Follicle
follicle stages
Primordial Follicle Corpus Albicans Primary Follicle Secondary Follicle Tertiary Follicle Secondary Oocyte Cortex of Ovary Medulla of Ovary Ovarian Ligament Ovarian artery and vein Corpus Luteum