Human Anatomy Models

Facial Muscles

The 6th lab exam will be identifying muscles on models and on pictures. The muscles on this page are of the skull model with facial muscles including the muscles of mastication. Use the wordbank and try to guess the numbered muscles on the model. Then, move your mouse over the number to see if you guessed correctly.

Word Bank

  • Buccinator
  • Depressor Anguli Oris
  • Depressor Labia Angularis
  • Digastric
  • Frontalis
  • Lateral Pterygoid
  • Masseter
  • Medial Pterygoid
  • Occipitalis
  • Orbicularis Oculi
  • Orbicularis Oris
  • Temporalis
  • Zygomaticus Major
  • Zygomaticus Minor
A model of a skull with facial muscles numbered.
Occipitalis Temporalis Frontalis Orbicularis Oculi Digastric Masseter Buccinator Depressor Anguli Oris Depressor Labia Angularis Orbicularis Oris Medial Pterygoid Lateral Pterygoid Zygomaticus Major Zygomaticus Minor