Human Anatomy Models

Deep Hip Muscles

For the next lab exam, you will be given models and asked to identify the muscles. The picture below has the deep muscles of the hip numbered. Try to identify the muscles and then move the mouse over to see if you are correct. When done, be sure to see thehip flexors as well as the thigh muscles

Word Bank

  • Gluteus medias
  • Inferior Gemellus
  • Obturator internus
  • Piriformis
  • Quadratus femoris
  • Superior gemellus
A picture showing deep hip muscles from the posterior view
Gluteus medias Piriformis Superior gemellus Obturator internus Inferior gemellus Quadratus femoris Internal oblique (fibers go up) External intercostal Erector spinae group Serratus posterior inferior Latissimus dorsi Trapezius Supraspinous