Human Anatomy Models

Facial Muscles 2

On the next lab exam, you will have have to identify muscles on models. The picture below is the anterior view of a head with the superficial muscles numbered in white text. Try to identify the muscles numbered with the white numbers. Then, move your mouse over the muscle to see if you are right. Also see the other head and neck too.

Word Bank

  • Buccinator
  • Depressor anguli oris
  • Depressor Labii Inferiors
  • Frontalis
  • Levator Labii Superiors
  • Masseter
  • Mentalis
  • Orbicularis oculi
  • Orbicularis oris
  • Levator Palpebrae Superoris
  • Temporalis
  • Zygomaticus major
  • Zygomaticus Minor
Anterior view of a human head showing superficial muscles.
Zygomaticus major Depressor anguli oris Masseter Levator Palpebrae Superoris Temporalis Frontalis Depressor Labii Inferiors Levator Labii Superiors Orbicularis oculi Orbicularis oris Buccinator Mentalis Zygomaticus Minor