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Meninge Model

For the lab exam, you will be responsible for brain structures. Below is a skull shoiwing the meningeal layers of the dura matter and the dural venus sinuses. Identify the structures. There may be a couple extra that you did not have in lecture. However, I think you can figure them out based on the names. When done, be sure to look at the other meninge model.

Word Bank

  • Confluence of sinuses
  • Flax cerebri
  • Inferior sagittal sinus
  • Occipital sinus
  • Periosteal layer of dura mater.
  • Sigmoid sinus
  • Sphenoparietal sinus
  • Straight sinus
  • Superior sagittal sinus
  • Tentorium cerebelli
  • Transverse sinus
Periosteal layer of dura mater. Flax cerebri Straight sinus Superior sagittal sinus Inferior sagittal sinus Confluence of sinuses Occipital sinus Transverse sinus Sigmoid sinus Sphenoparietal sinus Tentorium cerebelli