Principals of diffusion

Read the introduction. Then click on each tab and observe the diffusion experiment. Record your answers in your lab book next to the corresponding part..


  In this lab, we will be looking at the principals of diffusion which is defined as the movement of molecules from a high solute concentration to a low solute concentration. Several factors affect the rate of diffusion. The first is temperature. The warmer the temperature is, the faster molecules move. Consequently, as temperature increases, as does the rate at which molecules can diffuse. In addition, the more concentrated something is, the quicker it diffuses. Therefore, the concentration gradient directly affects the rate of diffusion. Third, if a molecule has to cross a membrane, membrane permeability effects the rate of diffusion. The more permeable a membrane is, the faster the rate of diffusion. We will simulate this by putting urea channels into a otherwise impermeable membrane.

  Molecular size also effects the rate of diffusion. The smaller the molecule, the faster the rate. If you look at the graph to the right, you can see the rates of diffusion of sodium ions, which have a mass of 23 Daltons, vs dextrose molecules that have a mass of 180 Daltons. As you can see, the rate sodium ions increased greatly.

  When you click on the tabs, the experimental apparatus pictured below will be displayed and start automatically. It consists of 2 tanks filled with water and a bridge between it. An impermeable membrane (part 1) can be added as well as the membrane with urea channels (part 2). However, for the last 6 runs all the molecules will be able to diffuse from the left to the right. Two different molecules will be placed in the left had tank at the start of each run. The first is urea which is represented by a green dot. Urea has a molecular mass of 60 Daltons and will be our small molecule. The other molecule is glucose and it is represented by an orange hexagon. Glucose has a molecular mass 180 Daltons so in theory, it will be 3 times slower.

  The initial concentrations and rates of diffusion are displayed in the bar on top of the apparatus. Please watch all 8 animations.


A membrane that is Impermeable to both sodium and glucose has been put between the tanks. Notice, no diffusion.

Urea Channels

Urea channels have been added to the membrane. This increases the membrane permeability to urea.

5 mMolar glucose and urea

We are now looking at the rates of diffusion based on molecular size. 5 moles of both glucose (orange hexagon and urea (green dots) have been added.

10 mMolar glucose and urea

Concentrations have doubled. Are we going to get our expected doubled rate for each? Also why are they not moving with brownian motion?

15 mMolar glucose and urea

This is our final one. the concentraion is trippled the original concentration.

10 degrees Celsius

This is our "cold" temp and our starting point

Difusion 10 degrees

20 degrees Celsius

This is our room temperature run. The temperature is now 10 degrees more. This is also the exact same animation as the 10 mM glucose and urea. diffusion 20 degrees

30 degrees Celcius

We now have tripple the rate of diffusion of the first temp.

difusion 30 degrees