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The Radius

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Model to rotate

Note this video is for both the radius and ulna
This page starts with a lateral view of a right radius. The proximal side is to your left and the distal side is to your right. The anterior surface is facing up. The red plus gives you medial and lateral view. The blud plus gives you a posterior view. The green plus a proximal view. Try to find the structures below. P.s. You are not imagining that everything looks upside down. If you click on full image, it will flip the other way.
  • Head - round structure on proximal end. Find the divot in the center that articulates with the capitulum.
  • Interosseous border. Tapered border that extends down the diaphysis.
  • Neck - connects the neck to the diaphysis.
  • Radial tuberosity. Knob on the proximal end distal to the neck on the anterior-medial side.. Can seen best from medial view.
  • Styloid Process - Pointy process on lateral side of distal epiphysis.
  • Ulnar notch - Notch on medial side of the distal epiphysis. Head of ulna articulates.