The Pectoral Girdle |
Text Blurb | 360 model | mouse over model |
Clavical and scapula
- We will now look at the clavical and the scapula.
- First go to the 360 model.
- For the clavcle, try to differentate between the sternal end and the acromial end.
- For the sternum, find all the bold landmarks.
- Next go to the mouse over models.
- Identify the landmarks.
 clavicle |
 Clavicle |
 Scapula |
 scapula |
The Upper Arm |
Text Blurb | 360 model | mouse over model |
The Humerus
- We will now look at the humerus
- First go to the 360 model.
- Find all the bold landmarks.
- Next go to the mouse over models.
- Identify the landmarks.
 Humerus |
 Humerus |
The Lower Arm |
Text Blurb | 360 model | mouse over model |
Radius and Ulna
- We will now look at the radius and the ulna.
- First go to the 360 model.
- Find all the bold landmarks.
- Next go to the mouse over models.
- Identify the landmarks.
 Ulna |
 Ulna |
|  Radius |
The hand |
Text Blurb | 360 model | mouse over model |
The Hand
- We will now look at the hand
- First go to the 360 model.
- Find all the bold bones.
- Next go to the mouse over models.
- Identify the landmarks.
|  hand |