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Lab 7 appendicularial skeleton Part 2


This is the second part of the appendicular skeleton lab. The first part we will looked pectoral girdle, the arms and the hands. For this part we will look at the hips, legs, and feet. Normally this is done as 1 lab but I really want you to spend time on the landmarks of each bone. I had tried to make tabs but it always took you to the first tab. So you are stuck with 1995 web formatting.

Again we will start with an activity you would normally have done with lab 5 where you put together the legs. I felt it fit better here sicne we are learning the bones. We will then look at the both rotating models and mouse over models for the pelvic girdle, femur, lower leg (patella, tibia, and fibula) and feet. Lastly, we will look at the differene beween the male and female pelvis.

The Legs

For this activity, I want you to just learn what the bones of the leg are and their correct positioning. Normally I have students build a skeleton for me out of disarticulated bones and then I go through with them the names of the bone and the proper orientation.

  • Watch the video on the arms.
  • Click the anterior view. Try to assemble the right and left arm correctly.
  • Take a screen shot (and you will have to give me an expliantion)
  • Click on the posterior view. Try to assemble the right and left arm correctly.
  • Take a screen shot (and you will have to give me an expliantion)

Landmarks of the limbs

We will look at each bone below. I set up the lab to take you to these pages too. I am not sure if which is easier. For each part, you will look at the watch my video and find the structures on the rotating model. Then you will find the structures on the mouse over model.

The Pelvic Girdle

Text Blurb360 modelmouse over model

The Os Coxae

  • We will now look at the haf hip which is called the Os Coxae
  • First go to the 360 model.
  • Try to find all the bold landmarks.
  • Next go to the mouse over models.
  • Identify the landmarks.

Os Coxae

The Femur

Text Blurb360 modelmouse over model

The Femur

  • We will now look at the femur
  • First go to the 360 model.
  • find all the bold landmarks.
  • Next go to the mouse over models.
  • Identify the landmarks.


The Lower Leg

Text Blurb360 modelmouse over model

Tibia, Fibula and Patella

  • We will now look at the tibia and the fibula.
  • First go to the 360 model.
  • Find all the bold landmarks.
  • Next go to the mouse over models.
  • Identify the landmarks.
There is no rotating model for the patella. The mouse over model is below.


The Foot

Text Blurb360 modelmouse over model

The Foot

  • We will now look at the foot
  • First go to the 360 model.
  • Try to find all the bold bold.
  • Next go to the mouse over model.
  • Identify the landmarks.


Male vs Female

Text Blurb360 modelAcitivity

Male vs femalet

  • We will now look at the male vs female
  • First go to the 360 model.
  • Watch the video
  • See of yu an spot differences
  • Go to activity. Sort into male vs female

360 models