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In a face to face class, I would give you a box containing all the bones of the skeleton. I would then have you classfiy them as short, flat, irregular, or long. I like this activity because it makes you think about the definitions and lets you play with the bones. I like the critical thinking aspect of this activity so we are going to do it below. (Note this is the boring version, I spent 3 hours on a drag and drop version that failled quite spectacularly.)

I will test you on the definitions for your lecture exam. For the lab exam, I already have enough to test you on without giving your a bone and asking which it falls under. To remind you

I took the pictures on graph paper (sorry about the shadows) to give you an idea of the size of the bones and length vs width. All the words are lower case words and do not wrote bone; so, the choices are long,flat,short,and irregular.

When doen, click check answers. I want this more to be a critical thinking activity. Be sure to see the questions on the bottom of the page. This is how I will check if you went here.

axis frontal lunate
medial cuneiform Metacarpalg Nasal Proximal Phalange
radius rib Sacapula
sphenoid sternum ulna vomer


  1. Which bone on this page do you think looks the coolest? Why do you say that?
  2. Which bone on this page do you not like? Why do you say that?
  3. Which bone structure (histology included) will be the easiest for you on the lab exam?
  4. WHich bone structure (histology included) is the most confusing or do you think will be the hardest? Why do you say that?