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Lab 5 Supporting Connective Tissue

In addition to the histology (see canvas) we will look at several sets of models for the histology. We will look at models of both compact bone and the long bone. For the compact bone models, first look at the rotating bone. Watch my video and try to find the structures on your own. Then click on the 2 mouse over moedls. For the long bone models, I do not have a rotating bone. Instead, go watch my video. Then go to the two models of the long bone and try to identify what the bones are. Lastly, in this lab, we would sort bones to see if they are short, long, irregular, or flat. So I have a bone class identification activity. This is more a critical thinking activity.

Compace Bone Models

ROtatable bone model
Single osteon
Osteon Model
compact bone
Compact Bone Model

Long Bone models

To the right are pictures of a long bone model and a cow bone. I will test you on the regions of the long bone. Therefore, click on each model. Try to identify the structures given. Then move the mouse over to see if you are right. Longbone Model
Longbone Model
Cow Bone
Cow Humerus

Bone classification activity

Click on the link to the right. Classify the bones if they are long, short, irregular or flat. Click check answers to see if you are right.
Bone classification activity