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Skull Bones

The third lab exam will be on the axial skeleton. It will be broken up into identifying specific bones and specific landmarks. On this page try to identify the bones of the skull. Then move your mouse over to see if you are right. I tried to make most of the area of the bone the "pop up" but there are some areas where it won't pop up. Therefore, your best bet is mouse over the actual number. When done try the internal and inferior views.

Word Bank

  • Ethmoid Bone
  • Frontal Bone
  • Inferior Nasal Concha/ Inferior Nasal Turbinate Bone
  • Lacrimal Bone
  • Mandible
  • Maxilla (Maxillary Bone)
  • Nasal Bone
  • Parietal bone
  • Sphenoid bone
  • Temporal Bone
  • Vomer
  • Zygomatic Bone

Lateral skull
Parietal Bone Frontal Bone Temporal Bone Sphenoid bone Ethmoid Bone Lacrimal Bone Nasal Bone Zygomatic Bone Maxilla (maxillary bone) Vomer Inferior Nasal Concha/ Inferior Nasal Turbinate Bone Mandible