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Lab 6 Axial Skeleton


Lab 6 will be divided into 2 parts. In the first part (lab 6a), we will look at the skull, the cranial bones, and the facial bones. We will look at models you can rotate to find all the bones and landmarks. In lab 6b we will look at the vertebrae, ribs, and sternum.

In part 1 of today's lab we will look at the skull bones. We will then look at cranial and facialbones in parts 2 and 3. Lastly, we will look at the orbit and sinus

Skull Bones

For this first activity, we will just get to know what the bones of the skull are. I want you to focus identifing all of the skull bones. You will have at least 5 questions on the test for you to identify the skull bones.

First watch my video. Next, go to the mouse over page and find the bones on the mouse over page. (Note, canvas has instructions for complete anatomy too. Be sure to do that. I can't put that on an open webpage.)

Skull model with bones numbered
Skull Model to identify the bones

Crainial Bone Landmarkss

We will now look at the cranial bones landmarks. First, click on the roating skull page. Watch my video on the cranial bone landamrks and then find the landmarks on that model. Then go to the 3 mouse over pages and fidn the structures. You will be asked to write the numbers in your lab book. Note, some landmark are easier to see on the facial bone model.

Cranial Bones Rotating Models
Lateral cranial bones with bones numbered
Identification: Lateral view of cranial bones
inferior cranial bones with bones numbered
Identification: inferior view of cranial bones
internal cranial bones with bones numbered
Identification: internal view of cranial bones

Facial Bone Landmarkss

We will now repeat what we did with the facial bones with the cranial bones. Click on the rotating model page. Watch my video and find the landmarks. Then Go to the 3 pages below and identify the landmarks. You'll be asked to write the numbers in your lab book.
Facial Bones Rotating Model
Anterior facial bones with bones numbered
Anterior view of facial bones
inferior cranial bones with bones numbered
Inferior view of facial bones
lateral cranial bones with bones numbered
Lateral view of facial bones

Orbit Model Model

On this page we will look up the bones that make up the bony orbit and the nasal cavity. Pay close attention to the landmarks I point out in the video. I really like this model because it does a good job showing small structures. The green hot spot takes you to bony orbit landmarks. The other hotspots we will use in the sense lab.
Watch the video, then try to find the structures in the on the model.

Video Tour

Rotateable picture
Bony Orbit


Similar to the orbit model, I like this model because it is an enlarged version of the "regular" skull (about 2x). Therefore, some structures are more clear on this model. again, pay attention to the landmarks.

Video Tour

Rotateable picture